Welcome to OHOrder.com
Speak to any Google Assistant device – Android Mobile Phone or Assistant App in your iPhone or Google Home / Mini / Nest to place an order to the nearby restaurant, flower shop or even spare parts for your car on the move.
Are you excited about this service. If you are a Business Owner and looking to give this experience to your customers? You are in the right space. Please proceed to Contact Page to get more specific details on how to get your business enabled with the Voice App services.
Watch the video to see how the app can be put into action. And you can try it by yourself saying “Hey Google. Speak to Order Manager” to your Android phone / Google Assistant Speaker / Google Assistant app in iPhone and place a demo order to see how easy to interact through voice / chat. Click here to see the User Guide detailing on how to access the Voice app.
“OK GOOGLE. Speak to Order Manager”
<Interact with Voice App and Place Order>
Get your favourite Food / Grocery /
Goods Delivered to Home
Speak to Order Manager”
and Place Order>
Pick up your goods from your
favourite shop On the Way
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